One of the main problems is that none of these"artists" can rap outside of themselves. How many times can we listen to these fucking guys talk about how great and rich they are, how they love fat asses, cars, and jewelery. On the other hand, you have real artists like Mos Def and Common. These guys have entire albums filled with songs about society, politics, and global issues. And when they write a song about something like girls or crime, they tell a story, like in Ms. FatBooty or Justify. Then, at an awards show, these types of songs are ignored, or, God forbid, if they are performed, the artist is arrested.
I almost think that Mos Def was arrested after the music awards not for performing without a permit, but for performing an intelligent song of substance at a venue where stupidity reigned supreme. I mean, how dare he try to educate people or raise awareness with his music when he should be writing songs about ice, rims, and hoes. I don't really believe that that's why he was arrested, but who fuckin' knows? I know the federal government probably doesn't want someone like Mos Def rapping about Hurricane Katrina.
The truth is, the powers that be feed off of the stupidity and ignorance of the American consumer, who in the case of the "gangsta rap" fan is typically either a young teen or someone that should technically be classified as an adult but acts and dresses more like a middle-school student.
There's a great reference that I can point you to if you don't think I know what the fuck I'm talking about. Instead of reading this column and silently thinking to yourself that I have no position or credibility when it comes to this matter, go buy KRS-One's album "I Got Next" and listen to the first track where he is talking to the audience. If only rappers had actually listened and learned from the teacher.
If you rap about something of importance, or if your are lyrically clever or witty, the majority of people do not want to hear it. Believe it or not, this disgusting trend will only serve to keep the hip-hop community down, and I'm talking about the fans. This will have a negative affect on people growing up who are heavily influenced by this music. This, in turn, will have the greatest impact on minorities, namely the Black and Latino communities. You can deny it all you want but it is true. I really believe that "the man" probably knows this and wants this. These shitty rappers are perpetuating a state of ignorance, which is great for corporations and a government that loves CONTROL. For a second reference go listen to "The Rape Over" on "The New Danger." Unfortunately, most rap fans don't even listen to the likes of Mos Def or KRS-One, so this message will never reach them.
The public demands more songs about rims, ice, money, hoes, or some stupid new fucking dance.
I'm sorry, but I won't roll with it. And I won't lean with it. And I damn sure ain't gonna pop with it.