Every semester, the majority of your professors will assign you a couple of books to buy, for hundreds of dollars. The worst of the all is the textbook. There is enough knowledge in this book for years, yet you're expected to absorb this in a semester. Textbooks are for suckers for several reasons. First of all, they are a minimum of $80, and you can only sell it back for $40 tops. If you know you're not going to use it, don't buy it. That $80 is 4 nights of chaos out on the town. Secondly, most professors teach right out of the book, so just go to class and take notes. The exception to the rule is if the professor is a jerkoff, and specifically states that material from the book will not be covered in class. Then, you almost have no choice but to buy it. If you're really gangster, you still don't buy it, and just guess on those questions that come up from the book. Either way, if you do bitch out and buy the book, do not by any means do anything crazy, like read entire chapters. Anything you need to know is covered in the chapter summary, which is available at the end of each chapter. If you really want to go absolutely insane, you can read all the words in bold print, but come on, that's pushing it. Do you want to read 90 assigned pages, 3 nights a week? I didn't think so. More tips coming soon, don't leave for school without them!
Friday, September 08, 2006
College Tips - Tip #1 - Textbooks are for Suckers
11:38 PM
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