Friday, September 08, 2006

Proms Cancelled For Drinking

This past school year, there seemed to be a new trend of canceling high school proms, as a precautionary measure. No one did anything wrong, but due to the stigma that goes along with "The Prom," schools decided that a couple bad seeds contaminated the whole crop. Not the case. I'd say that the majority of people at these proms are cornchuckers, and aren't going to drink or do drugs afterward. We really have to worry about the cool kids, they're the ones having all the fun in this weekend of debauchery. But it's not until after the prom that all of this starts. Kids rent houses on the beach, and have a good time, and of course there will always be a few that get out of hand. These are the same idiots that get out of hand wherever you take them. So the school boards cancel the proms. They say their reason is for the drinking that traditionally goes on, and for the excessive amount of money spent. Maybe they should cancel weekends too while they are at it. So the heads of those schools thought they were doing something great, and thought that they were protecting their students. In actuality though, all this meant was that instead of some girl losing her virginity under the stars on a beach in a beautiful setting, she instead lost it in the back of Joey's Honda Civic in a parking lot. Great Choice Authority!