Sunday, September 10, 2006

Steve Irwin

Rest in peace to Steve Irwin, The Crocodile Hunter, who passed away today at the age of 44. He was shooting a segment for an upcoming show, "Ocean's Deadliest" and was stung by a stingray, and put a hole right in his heart. All these years of watching him with all these crazy animals, and all the jokes that were made about his chances of survival in the past all seemed so trivial. I guess I always thought in the back of my head that it was on TV, and everything would always be ok. He really was putting his life at risk so many times, and I believe it was for no other reason than his love of animals. He was able to make a great living out of it, but you can tell that he truly loved what he did. We will all miss you Crocodile Hunter. May your re-runs live on forever.