Friday, September 08, 2006


These truth commercials really bother me. I smoke, and I know it's terrible. Tell me how I'm supposed to quit. Cigarettes are bad...we know. So give us a freakin legitimate way to stop smoking, and end the nonsense. The thing that really bothers me about these stupid commercials, is that they are the only entity on television that speaks of smoking. I could be watching tv for hours, and that helps me not think about smoking, but that truth commercial is always there to put the idea back in your head. Yo top it off, the tobacco companies fund them! It's a huge conspiracy if you ask me. Either way, I have to figure out a way to relieve stress without smoking, so I'm just going to start going around punching people in their faces or maybe I'll just start smoking crack. It's gotta be healthier than cigarettes.


Anonymous said...

I hate those pushy commecials about not smoking. The worst is the New York ones like thetruth "whadthefxup". Every time I see that commercial I want to hit the black guy with the glasses. Why don't they quit interfering with peoples lives and leave us all alone. Even non-smokers hate the commercials. A smoker in America today is like a Jewish person in Nazi germany. Do they want us to wear an armband on our sleeve with a smoker symbol on it? When will the madness end.

Anonymous said...

I don't support smoking but those truth commercials are retarded. There's a new prescription medication with a plan that may help you. You may want to try as well